Re: R utilities, addresses, etc.

Brent Chapman (Brent@GreatCircle.COM)
Sat, 22 Oct 1994 12:01:18 -0500

At 01:32 10/20/94 -0700, Charles Howes wrote:
>On a pretty-close-to-related issue, why can't the r utitiles handle ip
>addresses?  Seems to be a glaring omission.

I've actually long wondered why gethostbyname(), if passed an IP address
as a "hostname", doesn't simply return the host struct for that IP address.
Seems like that would trivially give all programs that accept hostnames,
which essentially all call gethostbyname() to get the address, the ability
to accept raw addresses as well.


Brent Chapman         | Great Circle Associates  | Call or email for info about
Brent@GreatCircle.COM | 1057 West Dana Street    | upcoming Internet Security
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